CBS Donates Laptops to St Angela Cheshire Home for the Disabled
On Friday March 29th, 2019, CBS donated five laptops to the St. Angela Cheshire Home for the Disabled in Qoaling, as part of its Corporate Social Initiatives.
“It is the hope of the St Angela’s Home that other companies will come to our aid as CBS has done. We trust that there will be an ongoing relationship between CBS and ourselves going forward. On behalf of St Angela’s home, I’d like to thank the Management of CBS for this honourable gesture”, said Mr Justice Kalebe, a board member of the Home.
The St Angela Cheshire Home for the Disabled was founded in 1985 by Sir Leonard Cheshire, a highly decorated British RAF pilot during World War II. For a long time the Home was under the guardianship of the Sisters Of Holy Names, who christened it “St. Angela”, after the namesake Saint, who is reputed to have loved the vulnerable and disabled.